Hey guys! Today I just wanted tell you some special news . . I have been planning it for a while but I decided to make it a complete surprise for you guys. You probably already know what it is as I have probably called the title what it is haha! Hopefully I haven't built this "special news" up too much but I wanted to tell you guys that I am doing 12 Days of Christmas - blog edition!
Every other day leading up to the 25th of December, I will be posting a festive, Christmassy blog! As many of you might know I am absolutely obsessed with Christmas - it literally is the most wonderful time of the year! And now that my end of year exams are over I decided I should give you guys something special leading up to Christmas! You can expect recipes, tutorials, Christmas decor, gift ideas . . .but I don't want to spoil it for you guys, so I'll stop there ;)
In case you haven't worked it out yet, the days I will be posting are: December 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 21st, 23rd, and the 25th - Christmas day (New Zealand Time Zone). I am going to try my absolute best to complete this goal and I hope you enjoy the posts! Love you lots guys, comment below if you're pumped for #12DaysOfSweetAsMae :) P.S - Do you like the festive touches to my blog header? It's not that great, but I thought it looked cute ;) Oh, and a November favourites will be going up tomorrow before the festive posts begin!
Stay Sweet,