Mae A-Z // Sweet As Mae
June 22, 2016
Hello Sweeties! I know this is the second lifestyle post in a row that's about me, so sorry if you don't like the whole get-to-know-me style posts. But recently I've really been loving learning more about other Bloggers personally, and thought some of you may feel the same and want to know a bit more about me.
Today I'm going to chat you through Mae A-Z and go through everything that makes me "me" (things about me, traits, favourite things etc.) with the alphabet. This post will probably be very big so brace yourself!
A for Animals
B for Blogging
You probably guessed this one, I couldn't do a Mae A-Z list without including one of my biggest passions! Can I just quickly say that blogging makes me so happy. There are times when the work can get a bit tough, but it is all 100% worth it because the happiness blogging gives me is unlike any other.
C for Confidence
I'm a naturally confident person. This doesn't mean to say I'm stuck up or over confident, I just mean I'm not a shy sort of person and I don't get nervous easily.
D for Dance
Another predictable one, I had to include dance. Despite my pelvic injury (see my post about it here) I'm still trying my best to dance as much as I can and it never fails to make me smile. I love lots of other sports too, like swimming, badminton and running.
E for Eating
I love food. I'll freely admit that. I could eat and eat and eat and I love trying new foods and different flavours. I thought I'd just add my favourite foods into this letter because I have so many! My top five are probably chocolate, strawberries, rice risotto, mandarins and mashed potato. But this generally varies every time I try anything new.
F for Friends
Friends are a massive part of my life and they all mean so much to me. I personally like having lots of friends - lots of different people to talk to and to have big social events with. I have about 5 super close friends but my I have a whole group of friends as well who I love to peices!
G for Giggles
I mentioned this is my Offline Mae post (see that post here), but I have a big sense of humor and find a lot of things funny. Me and my friends always end up absolutely cracking up over inside jokes that no one would understand but us. If laughing really does make you live longer, I have a long life coming!
H for Home wares
I'm a huge fan of home decor and interiors. I take a ton of pride in my room and love picking colour schemes and fabrics and little bits and bobs. I love The Warehouse and Kmart for affordable cute home wares :)
I for Independence
Socially I'm a major extrovert; I love hanging out with friends and doing things out of school. But when it comes to anything work related, I'm a massive introvert. I just find everything work related goes easier when I do it by myself. Probably because I'm a really organised perfectionist who likes everything to be just right, and if I do work in groups or teams it's a lot harder to keep track of everything.
J for Jewelry
I have always loved jewelry, and my collection has become pretty big over the years. I especially love those one of a kind pieces you find at trinket shops or sale bins of jewelry stores. I don't really have a favourite jewelry store, because there are amazing finds in so many places!
L for Libra
My star sign, and although my traits don't all align to the classic "Libra", I can see a bit of the Libra sign coming through at certain points of my life. I wouldn't say I'm patient (in the slightest) or laid back (at all), however I am quite tactful.
M for Makeup
Over the past year and a half I want to say, I have become really interested in makeup. I've always been a beauty lover, but makeup is quite new to me and I just find it so fun and unique. I love art, so to me the face is another canvas. I love playing around with different makeup products and it's for sure one of my fave hobbies.
N for Notes
I have about 50 notes each on my phone and iPod, all filled with lists and plans. Blog posts to do, photography plans, wishlists, gift lists, shop lists and book lists are a just a mere SECTION of my notes. I think the OCD organisation in me is what has lead my iPod storage to almost overflow with notes!
O for Organistation
As I mentioned in N and I, I'm crazy about organisation. I love having everything perfectly planned and organised to make sure nothing will go wrong (perfectionist Mae), so I do like to be in control when it comes to organisation.
P for Photography
Another hobby I've always been interested in but have only pursued since I started blogging. Can I say it's such a mind clearer! My favourite time of the week is when I sit down and have a photography session for the coming week's posts. I adore laying everything out and listing each shot, planning focus and lighting. It's so fun playing around with angles and trying creative new shots.
Q for Quizzes
Q was a hard one because it's not exactly a common letter. But I am a lover of quizzes! I can be a bit competitive so quizzes are definitely my sort of thing. Quizzes are the sort of thing I love doing in a group. It's so much fun working together to come up with answers, and although I am competitive I find quizzes just super fun and a laugh!
R for Retro
One of my fave historical periods, I love anything and everything retro! Jeans with patches, denim jackets, sports shoes, oversized glasses, polaroids - all my favourite style pieces that have that retro vibe. I love retro fashion mixed with modern brands, and I have to admit I've always wanted a Cadillac . . .maybe one day!
S for Shopping
I am a crazy shopper. I love making a plan of attack (probably in my notes!), working out each shop I want to go to and a price limit per shop. But on the other hand, I'm also a lover of random shopping - wandering down a street finding the cutest little shops you can find - The Lanes in Brighton is my dream unique shopping destination!
T for Travel
My dream is to travel the world. It's only a week and a half until I got to the USA and I am so pumped! I am yet to conquer some of my other dream travel destintaions like Paris, England, Italy and Greece.
U for Uptown funk
The song by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars. It has a real 80's disco vibe and it's always been one of my top jam sesh songs. Earlier this year I choreographed a group jazz dance to this song with the other girls in my advanced dance group at school and it was so much fun. We got to perform the routine at the showcase and all the assemblies, and I was so proud of all the girls!
V for Vet
This has been one of my dream careers since I was little. I don't know if I will ever continue this career path because there's so many other amazing jobs out there, but it's always been something that I've wanted to do so it's a fond memory for me :)
W for words
My love of writing ties in with this. I really enjoy writing stories and creative pieces and I just find words in general really interesting. We've been learning about the history of words in my english class recently and I find it's something really fascinating that's quite good to have some knowledge on. I am also a lover of reading and books, so words tie into that. Plus I talk. a lot. And that's words. (really Mae wow your logic knows no limits)
X for xtremely tough times
This post has taken ages and X is grinding my gears. I'm sorry but xylophones and xyloid aren't really big parts of my life so let's just dedicate x to the difficult times!
Y for Youtube
Youtube means so much to me. It always makes me happy, I get so much joy out of watching my favourite youtube channels and their latest videos. I feel like I really get to know the person and even though they have millions of viewers they really do feel like one of your closest friends (youtube lovers will understand!)
Z for Zoella
Last but certainly not least is Zoella. I already mentioned youtube but Zoe was the first youtuber I ever watched and she is such an amazing person. She's so genuine and lovely and her videos alone have helped me through some tough times. Meeting her is on my bucket list for sure!
Make sure to let me know if you do this tag!
Stay Sweet,
Amazing post, I know you so much more now :):) I have so many common favourites and interests as you do, especially blogging and photography! My star sign is Libra too, even though it doesn't matter much too me as I don't understand horoscopes anyway. Glad to know you're going to USA in a week! I'm going to India this summer, which won't be nearly as fun. Have a great time!!
India looks amazing! I'd love to go there someday :) Thank you for the lovely comment Autumn xx
DeleteI loved reading this post, I want to travel as well xx
Glad you enjoyed the post Laura xxx